You're The Worst Person in the World

You're The Worst Person in the World

Led By: Melody Voris

Meets Once

Are you tired of the unrelenting pressure to be the best at everything? Author and speaker Scarlet Hiltibidal was, too. In the midst of her striving, she couldn’t grab hold of the joy and freedom that’s supposed to come with the gospel’s good news. That is, until she realized something revolutionary—instead of the best, she might actually be…the worst.

In her humorous and relatable style, Scarlet tells stories of her own “worstness” to help you see your own and rejoice in the reality that our goodness and badness aren’t what makes God smile at us. This book will help us embrace our status as sinners who have been mercifully rescued and impossibly loved by the best person who has ever lived: Jesus. And, as we admit our worstness, stop trying to be perfect on our own, and walk with the One who really is perfect, we’ll find that we are actually changing for the better!

Registration closed on Monday, June 17, 2024

If you have any questions, please contact Jeannette Cover.

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